Welcome To​

Ant Keeping Australia!

Discover the Fascinating World of Ant Keeping
Explore Australian ant species, learn colony care, and start your ant-keeping journey today!

About Ant Keeping Australia​

Ant Keeping Australia is your go-to resource for all things ant keeping. From identifying queen ants to setting up thriving colonies, we provide tips, guides, and species insights tailored for Australian enthusiasts.


Ant Species Insights:

Explore the unique ant species of Australia, including their habitats and behaviour.

Colony Care Tips:

Learn how to start and maintain a healthy ant colony.

Advanced Ant Keeping:

Discover tips for growing your colony and setting up formicarium’s.

Individually, we are small. Together, we build empires.


Ant Keeping Tips in Action

Queen Hunting Tips

How to identify and capture queen ants.

Beginner Colony Setup”

A step-by-step guide to starting your first colony.

Exploring Australian Ant Species

Insights into popular ants for keeping.

Ready to Start Your Ant Keeping Journey? Discover guides, species insights, and everything you need to grow thriving colonies.